In only 20 minutes you can listen to all your church attenders in these changing times.
And you will get a report to inform your decisions for the future.
Churches around Australia, as well as overseas, use the Church Life Survey to get a clear evaluation of their health and vitality.
The results will help you identify your strengths and provide processes to help you evaluate, make decisions and connect effectively with your community.
Ten reasons why churches take part:
1. Hear all the voices - take time to listen
Hear the attitudes and beliefs of all people at church, including those who don't always get heard: ministers, lay leaders, adult attenders, youth and children, at one time, in a season of listening.
2. Make better choices
Use a credible evidence base to inform your discussions and decisions. Discern where best to place your energy and direction, based on your survey feedback.
3. Find out things you need to know
As mission researchers, the NCLS team know things about what you care about. Doing a nation-wide survey helps churches to learn from each other and allows leaders to identify key trends.
4. Find out the giftings and hopes of attenders
Receive a list of areas where your attenders are gifted and motivated to act. Harness their energy, motivation and hopes to move forward. Encourage all to contribute their gifts and skills.
5. Take stock of your church's health
Beyond counting heads, use the NCLS Research framework of church vitality to assess nine core qualities and three attendance measures, at regular times in your church’s journey.
6. Identify your strengths and use them to grow
Survey results will show where your church's strengths lie. Identify your strengths and use them to inform areas of growth. Our planning resources are strengths-based, the best place to start when making any change.
7. See how you compare
We give realistic comparisons to similar churches, so you can see how you’re tracking alongside other churches like yours. Use this gauge to set realistic goals and expectations.
8. Sustain and support leaders
Understand what contributes to sustainable and effective leadership practices in churches, to better equip and develop your leaders in ministry.
9. Add to the profile of your denomination and the Australian church
Denominational leaders will use overall information about their churches to inform their pastoral and strategic leadership. Be part of the overall profile of the Australian church.
10. Inform wider Australian society and beyond
Describe the story of modern Australian churches to wider society to challenge myths. Researchers around the world will also learn from the experiences of Australian churches.